CruiseCalc System Requirements


  • Windows 98, XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 10
  • Pentium 200Mhz Processor
  • 64 MB RAM
  • 10 MB Hard Drive Space
  • 640 x 480 Resolution SVGA
  • Mouse


Purchase Now!

If you've already downloaded CruiseCalc, tested it, and now want to convert the Demo Version of CruiseCalc to the fully licensed version, go directly to our purchase page and place your order today! 









Click here to download the latest version of the CruiseCalc executable file. 


During the installation, you will be asked where to install the updated files. If you chose the defaults when you originally installed CruiseCalc, accept the default path when asked. Otherwise, select the folder where you installed CruiseCalc.




Version History:
12/18/2019 Version 4.3.136 Released


CruiseCalc now displays Species Basal Area values for Saw Timber on Prism Cruise Reports. For each species, CruiseCalc displays a "Species Total Basal Area" value as well as an average of "Basal Area/Acre" value. The average is based on the number of acres entered in the Saw Timber setup section of the tally sheet. The calculation is based upon the formula: basal area = 0.005454 x DBH2 and is then summed for the total number of trees counted for that DBH. NOTE: If you enter zero for acres, then the BasalArea/Acre average will display zero as CruiseCalc cannot divide by zero.



02/02/2019 Version 4.3.132 Released


Changed sort order on the Browse Tally Sheet screen to display tally sheets in a reverse Report Date order so that the most recent tally sheet will always be first on the list. Added Average Tree Dbh total line to the Pulpwood and Chip & Saw sections of the Cruise Report just like the Saw Timber section.



06/11/2010 Version 4.3.127 Released


Repair functions updated and now include full support for importing and exporting data from any table in the database; Fixed bug found in the simple past regression reporting function; fixed several visual elements within the application to be more consistent; Saw timber volumes now able to handle up to 3 decimal places.



07/14/2007 Version 4.3.122 Released


Various minor bug fixes, graphics and logo updates, User Interface works smoother now, Completely new Client List Maintenance screen, Completely new Cruiser List Maintenance screen, Complete redesign of installation procedures and latest version updates installation, Visual elements updates.



10/30/2004 Version 4.3.112 Released


NEW FEATURE ADDED! CruiseCalc now allows the user to select whether to report Pulpwood and Chip & Saw volumes as either Standard Cords or Tons. The user can set Cords to Tons conversion factors for Pine Pulpwood, Hardwood Pulpwood and Chip & Saw separately. The user can select to calculate Tons for Pulpwood and Chip & Saw right on the Tally Sheet screen and can control the calculations on each cruise report individually. 



06/06/2003 Version 4.3.110 Released


Fixed additional errors with drop-down boxes and some elements that were not displaying correctly on the screen. Changed the saw timber factor table to allow decimal factors to be added for use with Tons or other personal volume tables. 


05/22/2003 Version 4.3.108 Released


Fixes several minor bugs related to drop-down boxes and reports. 


11/12/2002 Version 4.3.101 Released


Removed login name and password requirement and increased number of demo uses to 25. Fixed bug that prevented the demo version from working correctly on NT or 2000 based Windows environments.








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